Unlocking The Science of ProActive Health Series

August 30 & October 26, 2023

ProActive Health is a cornerstone of Kerry’s purpose in empowering customer to go to market with products supported by credible, trusted branded ingredients.

Each ProActive Health brand offers health-forward, positive nutrition validated through clinical research.

Kerry’s ProActive Health portfolio is a collection of branded ingredients that deliver clinically validated benefits, inspiring lasting health to make a lasting difference.

41% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product if they saw research or scientific data claims.

Our ProActive Health brands enable you to respond to these evolving needs with ingredients you can trust and the proof is in the studies, with nearly 100 clinical studies lending credibility.

Our vision for ProActive Health is to empower our customers in their mission to answer the growing need for functional products with proven health benefits across a range of need states.

Join Kerry for our Health Need States Series, in which we discuss our ProActive Health portfolio.

  • August 30: Immune Training for Everyday Health
  • October 26: Innovating for Women’s Health; Optimising Wellness across Lifestages

Our Health Need States Series is FREE to attend, and pre-registration is required.

Please note, you will need to register for each session you wish to attend.

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