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Beyond the Continuum: The Importance of Quantization in Deep Learning

Start Date:7/25/2023

Start Time:9:00 AM PDT

Duration:60 minutes


Quantization is a valuable process in Deep Learning of mapping continuous values to a smaller set of discrete finite values. It is a powerful technique that can significantly reduce the memory footprint and computational requirements of deep learning models, making them more efficient and easier to deploy on resource-constrained devices.

In this talk, we will explore the different types of quantization techniques that can be applied to deep learning models. In addition, we will give an overview of the Neural Network Compression Framework (NNCF) and how it complements the OpenVINO™ Toolkit to achieve outstanding performance.

What you’ll learn:
  • The value of quantization and different types of quantization
  • How to harness NNCF with the OpenVINO™ toolkit
  • A Jupyter Notebook demonstrating a neural network graph before-and-after quantization with performance comparisons

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    Adrian Boguszewski

    Intel AI Software Evangelist

    Intel Corporation

    Adrian is an OpenVINO developer evanglist with Intel located in Europe. He graduated from Gdansk University of Technology. He is an ambitious Deep Learning Engineer with 5 years of experience in image processing. He's frequently a speaker at data science conferences, enjoys working with big data and creating solutions for big companies in Poland. In his free time he enjoys travel.

    Zhuo Wu

    Intel AI Software Evangelist

    Intel Corporation

    Zhuo Wu is an AI evangelist at Intel focusing on OpenVINO™ toolkit. Her work ranges from deep learning technologies to 5G wireless communication technologies. She has delivered end2end machine learning and deep learning based solutions to business customers in different industries. Before joining Intel, she worked as a data scientist in Accenture (China), a research scientist at Bell Labs (China), and as an associate professor at Shanghai University.

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