Start Date:11/14/2017
Start Time:12:30 PM EST
Duration:60 minutes
As technology continues to transform our world, new products are constantly coming onto the market -- and raising the potential for product liability. This fall, join seasoned leading lawyers and technology experts, who will share their insights on this important and evolving area of law. (Their views are their own and not those of their organizations, of course.)
The webinar will include a demonstration of Lex Machina’s award-winning Legal Analytics® platform, which is expanding into product liability. Legal Analytics is a combination of data and analytics software that provides unprecedented strategic insight at your fingertips to craft winning litigation strategy.
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 Robert Ambrogi Lawyer, media and technology professional; Founder
Bob Ambrogi is the only person to have held top editorial positions at both National Law Journal and Lawyers Weekly USA. He writes two nationally-recognized blogs, LawSites, covering new networking sites and technology for the legal profession, and MediaLaw, on freedom of the press. Ambrogi is a Massachusetts attorney representing clients at the intersection of law, media, and technology for his firm, The Law Office of Robert J. Ambrogi.
 Owen Byrd Chief Evangelist & General Counsel
Lex Machina
Owen Byrd is Lex Machina’s Chief Evangelist and General Counsel. He provides thought leadership in the domain of Legal Analytics and its application to the business and practice of law, via speaking engagements, publications, webcasts, blogging, social media, and press. He also assists with sales, marketing and customer success, and manages Lex Machina’s operations, including legal, finance, and human resources.
Owen has previously founded and led data-centric software, real estate and non-profit ventures and operated his own law firm. He is a member of the California Bar and earned a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School and a B.A. from Colorado College.
He has spoken extensively to legal audiences, primarily focusing on the use of data to improve legal decision-making.
 Eric Falkenberry Partner
DLA Piper
Mr. Falkenberry is an experienced litigator, and has been lead counsel in thousands of product liability and commercial litigations for industry leading clients over his twenty-one career.
Mr. Falkenberry currently specializes in the assessment, quantification and transfer of litigation risk through predictive modeling, scenario testing and litigation analytics, with a particular emphasis on the utilization of such services to provide industry leading manufacturers, sellers and distributors with strategic advice on how to avoid and manage risk throughout the world.
Mr. Falkenberry has represented nearly every class of manufacturer in both the litigation and transactional arenas, and has built a reputation for helping clients avoid, mitigate and manage pending and potential litigation risks through predictive analytics, due diligence, pre-marketing risk assessment and development of strategic solutions to acquired risks. He also represents leading private equity concerns which acquire manufacturing operations, and specializes in creating arbitrage opportunities through the transfer of portfolio company litigation risk to third parties.
Mr. Falkenberry is the Chair of the Firm's Litigation Innovation Committee and was the Hiring Partner for the New York Office from 2006 to 2012, during which time the office grew by nearly 75 percent from approximately 140 to 250 lawyers.
New Legal Analytics for Product Liability / The Winning Edge for Lawyers
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