Start Date WAS:Tuesday, 26 November, 2024
Start Time WAS:8:00 AM GMT (London, UK Time)
Duration:60 minutes
Join Alexandre Brigadeau, Olga CO2 REACH technical lead in this webinar to learn about the Robust, Enhanced and Accurate CO2 Handling (REACH) joint industry project.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a part of any scenario to reach the net zero carbon by 2050, as defined in the Paris-agreement, and repurposing the Olga™ dynamic multiphase flow simulator, for CO2 started early. It is now widely considered by the industry to be the best software for CCS simulation. Some gaps have, however, been identified and work started in 2022 with the Olga CO2 REACH joint industry project to improve parts of the software.
We will cover one of these improvements, initiated as part of the REACH project, a new coupled numerical solver, which significantly increases the stability and robustness of the simulator. A test version of the new solver was released to the members of the REACH consortium in 2023 and has gone through significant internal and external testing throughout the past year. It is now being released as a commercial product available for the entire industry.
Register now, for tips and tricks on how you can get them most out of your Olga simulator CCS simulations and stay updated on the latest and greatest in CCS transport, and injection modelling.
If you're already registered for the Flow Assurance: New CO2 solver in the Olga simulator—background and improvements (Session 1) webcast, click below:
 Alexandre Brigadeau principal scientific computing engineer SLB
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