ON DEMAND UNTIL MARCH 31, 2021 Abstract: Falls are the number #1 killer in construction. We need to learn from fall incidents to prevent fatalities. Elimination techniques are the most successful way to prevent falls. Prevention through railings and restraint equipment is next in the hierarchy, and fall arrest systems are third in the hierarchy.
We will look at several applications including: flatbed trucks during loading and tarping, skylights, low slope roofs, holes, edges, and anchor points for window cleaning.
- The law and best industry practices, not just OSHA
- Fall protection equipment and how to use it properly
- The ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code
- Upgrade your Fall Protection Program yearly and after every incident
Register to view the webinar on-demand! Speaker Dr. J. Nigel Ellis Dr. J. Nigel Ellis is a leading authority in the field of industrial and construction fall protection. He is President of DYNAMIC SCIENTIFIC CONTROLS (DSC), Divisions of DSC include: Ellis Fall Safety Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in fall hazard control planning, engineering and training. Ellis Litigation Support and Ellis Ladder Improvements (ELI).
He is former Chief Executive Officer of RESEARCH & TRADING CORPORATION (RTC) of Wilmington, Delaware producers of an extensive line of industrial fall protection, controlled descent and confined entry rescue systems.
A Board Certified Safety Professional (CSP) by examination 1984, Dr. Ellis is the 109th Fellow and Professional Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) with memberships in the Construction and Consultant Divisions. In 2011 was awarded the ASSE Thomas F. Bresnahan Standards Medal for voluntary standards Excellence participation. He is also a Distinguished Service to Safety Award winner in 2007 and in 2018 he received the NSC Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award and member of the National Safety Council (NSC) and is Past Chairman of the NSC Construction Division. In addition, a member of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society and Past President of the Veterans of Safety (VOS), Past Dean of Ambassadors (VOS), www.vetsofsafety.org
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Prevent Fall Fatalities with Elimination Techniques
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