Start Date WAS:Tuesday, 10 September, 2024
Start Time WAS:8:00 AM BST (London, UK Time)
Duration:60 minutes
Most engineers working with the Olga™ dynamic multiphase flow simulator have found themselves in situations where they need to run a substantial amount of simulations in a short time, for projects from front end engineering design (FEED) projects to parametric studies requiring tens or hundreds of simulations. This can be a time-consuming process, and with limited numbers of Olga™ dynamic multiphase flow simulator licenses available it can cause a bottle neck when different projects have deadlines around the same time.
Join Danil Lebskiy, Olga product champion and Stig Selberg, digital solutions champion—flow assurance in this webinar to see a demonstration of the new parametric study functionality in Olga model management that helps alleviate these issues. With the help of the indefinite simulation bandwidth in the cloud, multiple simulations runs, and revolutionary model handling you can save significant time on file management and reduce simulation durations.
Please register now to understand the potential and capabilities of this new way of working with simulations and get the greatest value possible from your Olga simulator investment.
If you're already registered for the Flow Assurance: Parametric study update in the Olga simulator and set up from Olga model management (Session 1) webcast, click below:
 Danil Lebskiy Olga Product Champion SLB
 Stig L. Selberg Digital solutions champion—flow assurance Oilfield - Production
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