Start Date:Thursday, 23 May, 2024
Start Time:8:00 AM BST (London, UK Time)
Duration:60 minutes
Join Zheng Gang Xu and Gunasekar Govindan for a technical deep-dive and exploration of practical best practices for HIPPS valve simulation in the Olga™ dynamic multiphase flow simulator.
HIPPS are instrumented safety systems designed to prevent over-pressurization of a plant, such as a chemical plant or oil refinery, and we will cover their essential role in preventing loss of containment through rupture (explosion) of a line or vessel. We will also discuss the need to simulate the impact of pressure waves, using a transient flow simulator with very high fidelity and low time steps, to achieve optimal design and operation of production systems.
Please register now, to join this session and get prepared to accurately model and simulate the HIPPS in your field.
If you're already registered for the Flow Assurance: (HIPPS) modeling with the Olga simulator (Session 1) webcast, click below:
 Gunasekar Govindan Senior Production Engineer SLB
 Zheng Gang Xu Advisor, Flow Oilfield - SNTC Flow Assurance Clocking
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