Start Date:Tuesday, 18 June, 2024
Start Time:8:00 AM BST (London, UK Time)
Duration:60 minutes
Join Ahmad Shammari and Ruslan Bayguzov in this webinar to learn how to properly take advantage of the new functionality and see demos of the powerful capabilities of the advanced well editor in the Pipesim™ steady state multiphase simulator.
Steady state simulation of advanced well configurations has up until now not been possible without cumbersome work arounds and creative use of network solvers. With the new advanced well editor, several complex well configurations can be properly simulated and understood.
Register now, to see how the advanced well editor enables detailed steady state simulation of dual string and concentric tubing completions, smart well completions with flow control valves, and dual string gas lift configurations. All these functionalities are now available within the Pipesim simulator, without the need for integrator applications.
If you're already registered for the Flow Assurance: New advanced well functionality in the Pipesim simulator (Session 1) webcast, click below:
 Ahmad Shammari Pipesim Product Champion Oilfield - Production
 Ruslan Bayguzov Product Analyst Oilfield - Production
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