On Demand until May 23, 2025
Duration: 60 minutes
Every challenge provides an opportunity for growth. And perhaps there’s been no bigger ongoing challenge than sugar when it comes to the American diet, nutrition, and health. Yet ingredient suppliers and food and beverage formulators learn more each year about creative and clever ways to keep the sweet without the added sugar. This exclusive Prepared Foods webinar looks at the industry’s latest low-and no-sugar new foods and beverages—as well as the new ingredient options to consider for 2024 and beyond. Webinar registrants will hear about the latest:
- Sugar reduction market topics & trendlines
- New product examples involving low- and no-sugar products
- Sugar reduction strategies in formulation
- New and emerging natural sweetener options for 2024 and beyond
 Katie Hagan Executive Vice President, Innovations & Insights Mattson As an Executive Vice President of Innovation & Insights at Mattson, Katie leads food and beverage innovation for clients, large and small, with particular expertise in the CPG channel. From initial idea through concept and product development and commercialization, with consumer insights at key apertures along the way, Katie shepherds her clients through the end-to-end innovation continuum. She has led projects for clients including Annie’s, Ocean Spray, Clover Sonoma, Zen Remedy, Biggby Coffee, KIND, Spice World, Bobbie Baby, Butterball, Cholula, Olam, Theo Chocolate, Splendid Spoon and Tyson.
Katie draws on nearly 20 years of experience in brand leadership roles for CPG brands such as Clorox, Hidden Valley, Brita, Fresh Step, Del Monte and Ghirardelli. She has also consulted for the start-ups Munchery and Influence Central, a social influencer agency.
The depth of brand and innovation expertise honed over her 25 year career makes Katie an invaluable expert to lead or join food innovation panel discussions or serve as a judge for innovation competitions.
 Kantha Shelke Ph.D., CFS, Principal Corvus Blue LLC Kantha Shelke, Ph.D., CFS, IFT Fellow, teaches food safety regulations at Johns Hopkins University, and is founder/ principal at Corvus Blue LLC, a food science and research firm that expedites development and commercialization of new food products and technologies with science and sensibility. Kantha serves on the Faculty Advisory Board on Food and Agriculture at McGill University, Montreal, and Board of Trustees of the Southwest University of Health Sciences, Tempe, Arizona. She is passionate about advancing the understanding of food science, nutrition, food law, food safety, and culinary arts in the marketplace and helping overcome sexism with competency and determination.
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