Start Date:9/4/2020
Start Time:12:41 PM EDT
Duration:60 minutes
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Mike Massoud Principal, Research, Guidance and Support CPA Canada Michael is a principal, Research, Guidance and Support at CPA Canada. His work focuses on the development of more comprehensive and transparent financial reporting in Canada and around the world. He leads several CPA Canada committees and task forces responsible for raising awareness of application issues of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in several of Canada's most prominent industries. br br
Prior to joining CPA Canada, Michael had several years of business experience in major organizations, including the Canadian Accounting Standards Board, Royal Bank of Canada, LCBO, and PwC. Michael holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Toronto.
Michael Puskaric Directeur Conseil sur la comptabilité dans le secteur public (CCSP)
Thaska Sethukavalan Principal Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB)
Clyde MacLellan, FCPA, FCA Président par intérim Conseil sur la comptabilité dans le secteur public
PSAB: Updating our approach to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)
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