Start Date WAS:Thursday, 21 March, 2024
Start Time WAS:3:00 PM GMT (London, UK Time)
Duration:60 minutes
One of the greatest challenges in oil and gas production is the formation of solids, such as hydrates, wax, asphaltene or scale, on the inner surface of pipes and fittings.
Join Ahmad Shammari, Pipesim product champion, in this webinar to hear how you can use the Pipesim™ steady-state multiphase flow simulator to model and predict solids formation conditions and evaluate possible prevention measures and remedial actions.
You will see how the Pipesim simulator gives you the ability to predict solids formation risk by modeling and identifying the flow conditions, at which solids start to appear. This is essential to evaluating and designing remedial actions. Register now, to learn how it can help you to avoid the substantial cost of asset facilities replacement or production deferment.
If you're already registered for the Flow Assurance: Solids formation risk and mitigation in production and injection systems using the Pipesim simulator (Session 2) webcast, click below:
 Ahmad Shammari Pipesim Product Champion Oilfield - Production
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