Prof. Walid Habre
Geneva University Hospital – Switzerland
Prof. Habre is a Senior Consultant in Paediatric Anaesthesia and is Head of the Unit of Anesthesiological Investigations at the Division of Anaesthesiology, Geneva University Hospitals, and Full Professor of Anaesthesiology at the Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University, Switzerland. His pediatric anesthesia training included a Fellowship at Princess Margaret Hospital Anaesthetic Department and the Institute for Child Health Research in Perth, Australia. His main research activity is focused on the anaesthesia management of children with bronchial hyper-responsiveness. He has developed a particular research interest on lung function and heart-lung interactions, which led to more than 170 publications with an H-index of 27. Additional research focuses on quality improvement projects in pediatric anesthesia. Finally, he has just completed a 10-year term as deputy-editor of the European Journal of Anesthesiology.

Dr. Peter Baur
Doctor - Deputy head physician, head physician anesthesia
GZO Spital Wetzikon - Switzerland
Since 209, Dr. Baur is the Co-Head of the Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care medicine department of GZO, Spital Wetzikon, Switzerland.
Dr. Baur's areas of expertise include anesthesia, intensive care and especially the obese patients.

Benjamin Raber - Moderator
Global Therapy Development Manager OR/ICU
Benjamin Raber is the Global Therapy Development Manager OR/ICU focusing on Anesthesia products at Getinge, where he’s been providing his clinical and marketing expertise since the last 6.5 years. Benjamin holds a clinical background in anesthesia and has an Alumni from the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany.