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Rare Disease Cures Accelerator-Data and Analytics Platform 2021 Virtual Workshop

Start Date:9/14/2021
Start Time: 10:00 AM EDT
End Time: 3:45 PM EDT


The Rare Disease Cures Accelerator-Data and Analytics Platform (RDCA-DAP) is an FDA-funded initiative with the goal of accelerating therapy development across rare diseases. The platform serves as a centralized and standardized infrastructure to host and share rare diseases data, to support and accelerate rare disease innovation.

Join us for the RDCA-DAP 2021 Virtual Workshop, Sept. 14, 2021, as we:

  • Introduce and demonstrate the platform for the first time!
    • Case studies will show the usability, diverse functionality and interface to analytical tools
    • How to access data now and in the future
  • Build upon stakeholder engagement and engage academic, clinical and patient communities
  • Understand roles stakeholders play in the success of RDCA-DAP
  • Increase and influence data standardization and data sharing

RDCA-DAP is well positioned to generate solutions to drug development bottlenecks. As such, the utility
of patient-level data is maximized and data may be used to develop tools that will be accessible to the
community in order to optimize and accelerate drug development across rare diseases.

We look forward to your participation!

For more information, visit:

This initiative is made possible through a collaborative grant from the FDA [Critical Path Public-Private Partnerships Grant Number U18 FD005320 from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration]. https://c-path.org/fda-acknowledgement/

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