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Use VMware’s Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC) to run Kubernetes

Start Date:3/21/2019

Start Time:10:00 AM PDT

Duration:45 minutes


Now Available On Demand
Kubernetes is the leading orchestration platform for managing Cloud Native Applications using containers. It takes application declarative inputs from developers and maintains the state of these applications—making it easier to port applications from on-premises to cloud by abstracting away infrastructure. That means Kubernetes requires a fluid infrastructure that can adapt and change based on the incoming states being defined by application development teams.

VMware’s Software Defined Datacenter has evolved to support not only virtual machines but also containers and Kubernetes. In this session we will walk through VMware’s Software Defined Datacenter to showcase how it provides fluidity for Kubernetes and enables portability of applications to multiple clouds.

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Boskey Savla

Boskey Savla is Technical Marketing Manager @VMware focusing on Cloud Native Applications, she has 15 years of experience in Systems Engineering, Infrastructure Automation and Dev-ops

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