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Compressed Air, Blower, and Vacuum Systems - Alternative Design Strategies

Start Date:3/31/2021

Start Time:2:00 PM EST

Duration:60 minutes


Central compressor and vacuum systems are typically placed in the plant, often in their own room or a space shared with boilers or other ancillary equipment. It is common to find these machines plagued by poor ventilation, high heat, high dust, etc. 


For plants expanding production, time and space are critical. They may not have existing floor space to accommodate both new production and new compressed air equipment. Design, permitting and construction or renovation of compressor rooms cost real money both in capital outlay and lost productivity. 


Join this webinar to learn how, using a different approach, whole compressor rooms can be designed, sourced, built to spec, and commissioned much faster, and at a lower cost, than renovations or building additions. Webinar attendees will learn how flexible alternative designs are increasingly being adopted by innovative companies looking for new solutions to long standing problems.


Register for this webinar to learn about opportunities to improve uptime and safety, increase productivity and make room for new production equipment by packaging compressed air, blower, and vacuum systems and getting them out of the plant.

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