Alessandra Scagliarini
Dr. med. vet, PhD
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, she obtained a PhD in Epidemiology and Control of Zoonotic Diseases. Full Professor of animal infectious diseases, she leads the One Health International Study Centre at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences University of Bologna. Her scientific interests lie in the inter and transdisciplinary approach of One Health in research to deepen the interactions between humans, animals and ecosystems triggering the occurrence of health emergencies and to effectively manage endemic diseases with high social economic impact. Member of the board of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) and associate Editor of IJID -One Health Journal. Member of the WHO One Health Working group on Skin Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). At present, she leads the UNA- One Health Self Steering Committee of the UNAEUROPA Alliance. In October 2023, she received the One Health Award as best Italian scientist in the field.

Bruno Gonzalez-Zorn
Complutense University of Madrid/Una Europa

Annamari Heikinheimo
Assistant Professor
Helsinki University/Una Europa

Greg Frank
Global Public Policy Director
Merck Human Health
Greg Frank is Director, Global Public Policy with MSD, where he leads global antimicrobial resistance (AMR) policy. Previously Dr. Frank served as Senior Director, Infectious Disease Policy at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), where he led several infectious diseases policy issues, including AMR and vaccine regulatory policy. Prior to BIO, Dr. Frank led science and diagnostics policy as Program Officer for Science and Research policy at the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA).
Dr. Frank serves on the Leadership Council of the National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistant Research and Education (NIAMREE), the expert advisory committee for the Partnership to Fight Infectious Diseases and represents MSD on the Sepsis Alliance Innovation Collaborative. He is a Board member on the AMR Industry Alliance. Previously, Dr. Frank has served on the U.S. Presidential Advisory Committee on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB) and joined expert advisory committees of the Access to Medicines Foundation AMR Benchmark, the Global AMR R&D Hub, and the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy Antimicrobial Incentives & Payment Reform Project.
Dr. Frank received his doctorate in immunology at the University of Pittsburgh and pursued his postdoctoral training at the Laboratory of Viral Diseases at the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases.

Massimo Canali
Assistant Professor
University of Bologna/Una Europe

Asko Jarvinen
Medical Doctor Chief Physician
Helsinki University/Una Europa
Professor Asko Järvinen, MD, Ph.D .is the Head of Division of Infectious Diseases in Helsinki University Hospital since 2010. He has a specialist degree in Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology. He has been interested in use of antimicrobial agents both in clinical work but also from societal perspective and antimicrobial stewardship. He has been a member of several national working groups on antimicrobial resistance. His research interests have been in bacteremic infections especially in Staph. aureus bacteremia and incidence of bacteremic infections, mycobacterial infections, skin and soft tissue infections and COVID-19. He has collaborated with veterinarians in studies related to antimicrobial resistance and hygiene. He is currently the president of the Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. During the last two years he has been heavily involved in COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and he has been a frequent figure in the media.

Rebecca Marsland
Senior Lecturer
University of Edinburgh/Una Europa

Geert Vertenten
Global Technical Director Ruminant Biologics MSD Animal Health
MSD Animal Health, Netherlands
Geert Vertenten graduated as veterinarian from Ghent University in 2002 and initially worked at the Veterinary Clinique “La Licorne“ in La Souterraine (France) as a practitioner for 2 years. In June 2004 he joined the Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia of Domestic Animals at Ghent University (Belgium) as full-time assistant. His main task was clinical teaching of the last year students and Geert was responsible for the surgery and orthopedics in ruminants. In addition to these clinical activities he did research on surgery and orthopedics in farm animals and he made a PhD in bone tissue engineering. Since August 2009, Geert Vertenten has been active in the animal health pharmaceutical industry in several technical and marketing positions as well locally, regionally and globally. Since 2016 he works as Global Technical Director Ruminant Biologicals for MSD Animal Health. Geert Vertenten has authored or co-authored several publications in international and national journals, has been a speaker at several scientific conferences and reviewer for several journals.